PPA: Peak Purity Analysis


The basic requirement for using the PPA method is the availability of a Dionex Photodiode Array Detector. In this case, the data supplied by a detector can be "read" and viewed on any client PC. The most common method to relate chromatograms to spectra is the representation of data in a 3D Field in the method PPA. The 3D field is the default view in the iso-pixel plot representation.

Use one of the following methods to display a sample (for which you have the corresponding 3D raw data) in the method PPA:


View and Operation

In the default view, the method window is divided in four sections. The 3D field window (A3) is the most important section. Select either Iso Pixel Plot or 3D plot (see 3D Field Presentation Modes).

The cross-wires that are freely positioned via the left mouse button or the arrow keys "extract" a chromatogram at a specific wavelength in horizontal orientation from the plot representation. In vertical orientation, a spectrum is extracted at the time t and is displayed above (A1) or next (A2) to the 3D field (A3). Select the Zoom function for a more detailed view.



To show or hide the window sections A1 and A2, select Show Chromatogram or Show Spectra. As an option, a numeric report (PPA report) can be displayed in addition (Show Report). The line of the currently selected peak is marked by a different color.

In addition to the context menu commands that allow undoing a Zoom operation, restoring the original 3D field, selecting a different 3D representation, or displaying additional information such as the PPI Index, Match Factor, etc., there are additional operations that can be executed via the keyboard or a mouse-click.




Copying or printing a 3D plot is more time-consuming than copying or printing the Iso plot!



Use the PPA method:

To complete these methods, Chromeleon supports various procedures and calculations for result interpretation and/or comparison. These include:

Baseline Correction of Spectra

Blank Run Subtraction


PPI: Peak Purity Index

PPI: Match Factor